Thursday, June 1, 2017

Hurry up and wait!

Hurry up and wait is an all-too-familiar saying for people in the military, and although I'm no longer in uniform, I find myself here again. I still don't have orders. Nothing is moving except that my report date is getting closer and closer, and I can't do anything to get ready!

That isn't exactly true, of course. We have our passports on the way and I've probably found a property manager. We're getting doctor's appointments out of the way that we have deferred for years (David!). And I've done as much as I can do WITHOUT my orders.  But I can't do everything, and I need those orders!

God has already proven faithful to us, as I'm sure He will continue to do.  He has provided us with housing already (we think--it isn't completely firmed up, but it can't be just yet). Oddly enough (some might say coincidentally, I would not), Dave has an acquaintance from high school who is working as a federal employee in Wiesbaden Army Garrison. He has been there for over a decade but has been told that he must work in the United States for two years. He owns a five-bedroom house, and his timing is probably going to match up almost exactly with my timing. We are planning to rent from him, and that makes that part of our lives so much easier, considering we think we know where we will live, it's partly furnished, near kindergarten, grocery stores, and everything we will really need. Knowing what to expect on that front is very helpful.

I am eager to get our plane tickets because (another blessing) my wonderful sister, Michelle, is willing (perhaps even eager) to help us out during our travel day. If the tickets are at all affordable, she is planning to fly with us and help us travel with the kids. I can't tell you how much I am not looking forward to the day that we fly. Being stuck on an airplane with a baby, two toddlers, and a preschooler for 6 or 8 hours sounds like...well, you know. Please pray for us because we'll need it. If Michelle can fly with us, that will really change the adult to kid ratio for us. Our kids are good, but we'll be tired, they'll be tired, and we'll be outnumbered. I know it will be temporary and we'll get it done, but it just sounds like a dreadful day to me.

But this is what I signed up for, isn't it?  (And so did Dave!)

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