Thursday, October 26, 2017

The family

Just last night, David and I were discussing our demonstrations of affection with the kids, and how they feel few and far between for Alex and Livvy. I'm not a very touchy feely person, and sometimes I need a reminder to make sure I give the kids enough cuddle time. That served as a reminder for me. Events led to me going back to bed after taking Alex to the bus stop this morning, so when Griff and Livvy woke up, I invited them to come lie with me for a little bit. Griff refused. He's a bit of a cuddle bug so I never feel like I neglect showing him my affection. He seeks it out. Livvy joined me. I hugged her for a couple of minutes and told her I love her. Maybe it was two minutes later when she said, "Okay, Mom. Get your arm off of me. I know you love me." It's possible she's innately not very touchy feely either.

The events that led to me going back to bed was really one thing. Lilly has a high fever, and has since yesterday morning. So I had to schedule her an appointment. I don't know what happened to my thermometers in the move. I think the baby kits were lost or not packed. So I don't know exactly how high, but she's not taking in enough fluids, and I'm feeling worried. Her appointment is an hour and ten minutes from now. Thank God. I am very fond of our Waynesboro pediatrician, but so far, our Wiesbaden pediatrician has been great, too. I'm confident that they and God will take good care of her, but if you read this, please say a prayer for her.

Alex is having a Fall party at school today. I'm hoping to go. It will be cute. He has been having a hard time waking up in the morning. He's still sleep-deprived from our big weekend in Bavaria.
This weekend we're planning to take it easy. And next weekend, I hope, we're going to try out a church in Frankfurt. It's long overdue, I know. I hope it turns out to be a good solution for us. Otherwise, we'll try some local churches. It will be awkward at first, but maybe it will end up helping us learn German!

Please pray for us! I feel like we need it this week!

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