Saturday, April 13, 2019


It was an easy 1-hour drive from Bratislava to Vienna, which David handled since I was pretty sick of driving.

For the last two weeks, I had been trying to arrange a tour for David through Airbnb experiences, but I wasn't having any luck. The tours were either too expensive or they had really mixed reviews with some 3- or fewer stars amidst the 5-star reviews. The night before our day-trip to Vienna, I lucked into a 2.5-hour tour with a man who had consistent 5-star reviews. Someone must have cancelled on him because he had not been available at all the previous two weeks. For €25, I was more than happy to sign David up.

David loved the tour, and said it was a true five-star experience. That's about all I know about that. I think he took 4 pictures the whole time. Bah!

While we were walking to his meeting-point with the tour guide, I walked into a church, and was absolutely stunned by how ornate it was. After all these stunning churches I've seen, this one still surprised me! It was quite unimposing on the outside, and I just wasn't expecting it. But really, take a look at the picture below.

Thankfully I went into that church. Other than that, the only thing I really saw of Vienna was a playground and the outside of the theatre, where I sat with the kids while they ate ice cream, and I enjoyed my own very delicious eiskaffee. At least I entertained myself by taking a selfie of me holding Vienna fingers in Vienna. I don't even really like them that much, but I brought some to Vienna! And by the way, we stopped at a snap dog vendor, and there were NO Vienna sausages available there. Thank goodness! I would lose respect for that city if that were really a thing!

Vienna is probably the most beautiful city I've visited since I've been in Germany. I would really like to go back some day and see it properly. At the very least, I really enjoyed the outsides of the buildings, and all the statues and monuments around the city. And the weather couldn't have been better. What a great day trip for us!

Vienna was stunning mainly because of the architecture.

This could be my favorite window ever.

Wow. It was small, but it took my breath away.

"What are you looking at?!" I've liked pigeons ever since my friend Riley was little. (For SOME reason!)

Yes, we ate McD's in Vienna. Try not to judge me. The kids just love it so much.

Griffin thought this butt statue was HILARIOUS.

I didn't take many pictures at the playground, mainly because I was running around like a crazy woman trying to keep an eye on four very excited kids. And THIS one doesn't realize she is only two and "can't" do stuff like the big kids!

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