Saturday, August 26, 2017

We're moved in!

I wrote this a couple of days ago. ... I sat in line for 5.5 hours. Lovely!

We got moved in last week. There are some things about the house I really like (it's more than big enough, for example), and there are some things I don't really like (the yard is not very good for us). Dave hasn't said much about the house, so I'm guessing it is adequate. I was a little nervous since he hadn't seen it at all. Talk about trust! We were all quite disappointed to learn that the pool was empty. Dave and I decided that we will fill it next year. It will be expensive but I'm sure we'll get our money's worth!

We haven't received our big shipment yet, and we're sleeping and eating and sitting on loaner furniture and loaner dishes. Our shipment is being delivered on September 1st. What a weird way to live. It has made me appreciate the military people more for doing this on a regular basis. I find it difficult even though the process for getting loaner furniture and whatnot is so streamlined.

I think the kids have been happier. Their toys came and they've been riding their bikes a lot. They do miss having all those playgrounds so close by, though! Yesterday we all went to the commissary and Dave shopped while I watched the kids play. This weekend, I'm looking forward to going to the Baltic Sea. I hope the kids do well in the travel, and I think they will. I kind of wish we had one more night there, though! We'll see how it goes.

Right now I am sitting in line to get my van inspected. I'm pretty sure I will be here for 4 hours. They don't take appointments and the line is very long. But I can't delay any longer because I only have 30 days total to get the permanent registration, and I've already taken up 9 of them! It will be okay, even if the van needs some work. My (and your) tax dollars at work. This is my third time trying, by the way. I haven't been procrastinating, just put off by the long lines every time.

Did I ever mention that I made reservations for the family for a week in Tuscany in May of next year? I'm already excited about that! I don't know where else to prioritize. Obviously, I'm going to ask Michelle to take me to Paris since she's fluent in French and knows the city pretty well. That's high on the list but won't happen until next summer. I would like to go to Garmisch and take the kids to Neuschwanstein. Austria? Spain? Poland? I don't know and it's so hard to choose! Dave and I agree that we run the risk of blinking and our two years will be up and we won't have everything checked off our list. The problem is, when so many things are a possibility, what becomes the priority? Please help me by commenting on this post!

Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep them up for us. I know they make a difference!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe do a google search on touring Europe with kids in mind?
